Exploring cultures and communities – the slow way

hidden europe 4

Here is an extended table of contents for hidden europe 4 with brief summaries and excerpts of every article published in this issue of the magazine. Of course you can read the full version of all articles in the print edition of hidden europe 4, which is still available for sale. It was published in September 2005. So much of what features in hidden europe is timeless - as relevant and thought provoking today as it was on the day it was published.

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Welcome to hidden europe 4. This issue of hidden europe magazine features articles on the Soca Valley of Slovenia, a Jewish sect in Ukraine, Morecambe Bay, the European spa tradition, the Lough Foyle ferry service and ...

A while back we were contacted by one of those property companies that trade on the internet. Most unusually, it had Slovenian islands for ...

It is difficult to go to Reykjavík without getting a big dose of Icelandic history. Icelanders will proudly tell you the tale of Ingólfur Arnarson who gets a lot of credit all over Iceland for putting the country on the map in the late ninth ...